In the folic acid metabolism pathway, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and methionine synthetase reductase (MTRR) can affect the activity of MTHFR and MTRR synthase, and Affects the level of serum folic acid or homocysteine. It will cause hypofolate and hyperhomocysteinemia, which will increase the risk of birth defects, neural tube diseases and cardiovascular diseases in newborns.
The "China Cardiovascular Disease 2015" report shows that: China's cardiovascular disease accounts for the highest mortality rate of residents in China, and the number of cardiovascular patients will continue to increase in the next ten years. At the same time, there are about 800-1.2 million new cases of birth defects in China every year. Therefore, folic acid gene testing is carried out to personalize folic acid supplementation for people with folic acid mutations, so as to fundamentally prevent the risks of birth defects, neural tube diseases and cardiovascular diseases.
Figure 1: Methyltetrahydrolysis (MTHFR)gene C677T(rs1801133)
Figure 2: Methyl tetrahydrofolilic acid reductase (MTHFR)MTHFRgene A1298C(rs1801131)
Figure 3: Methylthion synthetic reductase (MTRR)MTRRgene A66G(rs1801394)
High sensitivity: The detection limit of the genomic DNA of the examinee is 2ng / μL;
National 973 project, top international and domestic experts devote themselves to creating
Detection of specimens: Anticoagulant whole blood or genomic DNA
Technical principle: PCR-fluorescent melting method
Packing size:24 tests / kit,48 tests / kit
Category:In vitro diagnostic reagents
Suitable for instruments: Fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument