Molecular diagnosis and nucleic acid detection have been widely used in thediagnosis of infectious or genetic diseases, non-invasive prenatal detection,epidemiological investigation, pathogenic microorganisms detection and scientificresearch. Compared with immunological detection techniques, nucleic acid detectioncan obtain more sensitive and accurate results. The first step in molecular diagnosisinvolves the extraction of nucleic acids, which are usually bound to organic matter incells, such as histones. The extraction of nucleic acids requires first lysing the cells,and then separating the nucleic acids from macromolecular organic substances (suchas proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids), while the primary structure of the nucleicacids must remain intact. The nucleic acid extraction process currently depends onqualified professionals to operate. However, with the rapid development of nucleicacid detection technologies and clinical diagnosis, there is an urgent need for asimple and easy-to-use method suitable for on-site DNA extraction and detection.This method needs to be widely applicable to technical requirements for nucleic acidextraction from primary hospitals, testing sites and even the general public.
This product is based on silica gel column purification. The sample is lysed, and theDNA/RNA is released into the lysis buffer. After transferring to an adsorption columnand filter, DNA/RNA is adsorbed to the membrane, while the unabsorbed protein isremoved by filtration with the solution. After washing away the protein and otherimpurities, DNA/RNA is finally eluted by a low-salt buffer to obtain a high-purityproduct
Applicable specimens: cell-free/low-cell DNA/RNA samples such as clinical or humanbody fluids, serum, plasma, soaking fluid, supernatants from tissue homogenate, cellculture supernatant.
Technical principle: silica gel column purification.
Packing specification: 96 tests/kit, 200 tests/kit.
Storage conditions: 18-25℃ room temperature for 12 months.
silica gel column can recover nucleic acid molecules at the picogram level.
Recovering viruses DNA/RNA as low as 10 copies.
Meeting various downstream applications such as reverse transcription,qPCR,enzyme digestion,blot hybridization,etc.
Stable solution system ensures consistent results every time.
Suitable for extracting viral DNA from serum, plasma, milk, cell culture supernatant,and various cell-free body fluid samples.
Extraction of multiple samples can be completed in less than 30 minutes.